B S T it's an Immersive Research Project created in 2008 (incubated in 2006 under the name of BlackGallerySociety/TemporaryBlackSpace/TBS Collective/TBS Organisation and curatorial project/TBS Ghost Phase/ TBS-BST/Now: BST-Black Swan Theory/...."of course each name is a statement of a new step in the project"), primarily to explore the endless possibilities of the matter that we call "Art" in relation to our Planet and the Human Being.
Example of a B S T's Part:
B S T Part One (Phase 1-2-3)
B S T develops its experience following these points: Concepts-> Empathy/Human Feelings->Incubation->Site-specific Process/Contemporary Situation->.. ("dictated by time" through an heuristic approach).
2008- 2014, composed by "three declared phases": Temporary Black Space/Non-Authorial/Collective Phase /--> Artist as Curator as Organization-Utopic Institution/Project as Mind's Process : People's Attention and Perception /--> Nomadic Office and Contemporary Art as a War of Distorted Informations..
" In background, you can find random photos (past/new headquarter, event locations, details, works, texts, installations, performance,workshop, public, instruments, meetings,...
Thank you for your attention.."
**All projects are only open via registration (limit max 100 p.) Please kindly register by emailing us at michela@t-blackspace.com . Black Swan Theory as the subject header. Upon registration, further information will be provided via secured email.
2024 B S T (as a part of N-E)